Below are some Apps and online services that I have used for years and looooove them, either because I could not do without them, or just because they solve an issue I didn’t know I had! And of course, they are the ones I recommend to my clients.
For transparency, these links are affiliated and I will be paid a small percentage when a purchase is made. Thank you for your contribution.

Compare all Microsoft 365 for business plans

Obviously, a lot of content on the topic here so I cannot forget to encourage you all to use it! Use this comparison page to find out which Microsoft 365 license types you should get.

Compare SharePoint Online Options

Use this link if all you need is SharePoint, nothing else.

Design anywhere and in just a few click Lucid Software

An amazing tool to create your technical diagrams, workflow process, swim lanes user experience flow and more.
Best of all, it will not take resources from your computer like an installed program and it saves every object move so that you don’t lose anything, ever.

Best of all, you can start for free and still make some very compelling diagrams, right now using this link

Organise your day / week with Sunsama

I have tried many different task management systems over the years. I enjoy being organized and following some principles of Getting Things Done, but I never really found the right one until September 2023 when I tried Sunsama.

The most important aspect of a task management system is the satisfaction you feel when you realize the many tasks you have successfully completed in a single day. It’s also crucial to not feel overwhelmed when facing a new day with a lot of new tasks. Sunsama helps you clear your mind, organize your week, plan your day, and it even offers a feature that I haven’t seen often: the ability to reflect on your week!

Give it a try for free using my referral code here.

Manage your Social Media Planner with FollowR

I used to add all my post to a calendar, write the copy in the platform, then create the image on Canva and schedule it there or on the platform again (LinkedIn, IG, Twitter etc..), all this back and forth was taking hours! Now I have everything on the same calendar and in a click I can adapt the text to a new platform without leaving where I am.

Plus kudos to the co-founders and support team as they are super responsive when I have a question!

Get your account today!

I will add more Apps and services from time to time 🙂