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SharePoint: Powerful Command Line Administration for SharePoint — TechNet Magazine, January 2007

SharePoint: Powerful Command Line Administration for SharePoint — TechNet Magazine, January 2007
As a newbie into Sharepoint Administration I found this article useful to learn the bascis about “stsadm.exe” command line.
I understand better how I can use the stsadm.exe to create 20 sites in the background or install webparts.

Below is a quick list of useful command as per that website.

Add webparts:
Stsadm -o addwppack -filename
Add site template to an install:
Stsadm -o addtemplate -filename
enumtemplates : list installed templates
deletetemplate : remove install template
enumwppacks : list installed webparts
deletewppack : remove webpart
propertyname (shortcut pn)
propertyvalue (shortcut pv)
Alerts-enabled : Turns alerts on or off for your virtual server or Web application.
Alerts-limited : Specifies whether users are restricted to setting a certain number of alerts on the virtual server or Web application.
Alerts-maximum : If alert limits are set, this is the maximum number of alerts that a user can set.
Days-to-show-new-icon : This sets how long the “New” icon appears next to items added to the Web site, like announcement posts, for instance.
Job-immediate-alerts : Specifies how often SharePoint looks for immediate alerts to send out. The default for SharePoint 2.0 is five minutes. Decreasing the time will increase load on your Web and database servers.
Job-daily-alerts : This sets the time the daily alerts are sent out. SharePoint 2.0 defaults to “between 22:00 and 06:00.”
Job-weekly-alerts : This sets the schedule for weekly alerts.