Uninstall a MOSS SP1 failed upgrade and re-install MOSS RTM on the server
Uninstall a MOSS SP1 failed upgrade and re-install MOSS RTM on the server (without wiping the whole OS! 😉
Microsoft gave the following steps to manually remove MOSS SP1 as described thereafter we encountered further problems which proved that some additional elements needs to be removed or updated. The uninstall may “appear” to be successful but more errors may show when re-installing MOSS RTM. Below are some of the scenarios I encountered and resolution, it might be useful to some users who, like me, could not find an exhaustive un-installation steps list.
- Disable and Stop the following services
-Microsoft Single Sign-on Service
-Office SharePoint Server Search
-Windows SharePoint Services Administration
-Windows SharePoint Services Search
-Windows SharePoint Services Timer
-Windows SharePoint Services Tracing
-Windows SharePoint Services VSS Writer
- Note the following registry keys:
From HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office Server\12.0
-InstallPath (default is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12)
From HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\12.0
-Location (default is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server
- Delete the following registry hives:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office Server\12.0
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\12.0
[x32] – HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OSERVER
[x64] – HKLM
- Delete the following folders:
The value of the InstallPath key
The value of the Location key
C:\%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\SERVER12
Uninstall using Windows Installer Cleanup utility
- Download the tool msicuu2.exe from the link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290301
- Install the tool on MOSS server and run the program from Start > All Programs >
- Windows Install Clean up
- Select the entries that start with “Microsoft Office SharePoint *.*” and “Microsoft SharePoint Service *.*” and select remove
Reinstalled MOSS
NFR : At this stage Microsoft says it’s enough to configure MOSS but I found that it’s not the case, so do not try and carry on to next steps (in the table below is the experience why)
MOSS Installation failed on a previous uninstalled MOSS SP1 Following the manual uninstall steps, I bumped into the following problems and here are some possible solutions, at least that worked for me and successfully let me re-install MOSS from scratch without having to rebuild the machine. 1- run MOSS RTM setup Language pack error during install 2- error on language pack 3- a fix is offered on this blog too but was not enough for me http://www.sharepointforums.com/Blogs/tabid/147/EntryID/51/Default.aspx (even though you don’t have Language Pack installed (typical Microsoft, no !) |
use MS uninstall tool to remove all Office softs starting with v. 12.0.6219.* in addition to one Microsoft recommended
- run Sharepoint wizard to connect to restored Config DB
- failed with no crash error, dialog box just disappeared L
- reboot server
- run Sharepoint wizard to create new farm/Config DB
- failed with error on Step 2 : creating config db. Error is about Language Pack1
add Language pack in Registry
- reinstall MOSS RTM
Pass step 2, config DB created.
- now re-create Web App and connect appropriate content DBs.
- now re-create Web App and connect appropriate content DBs.
osrchwfe.msi could not be found by installation program
- error on “MS Search Front End cannot be found” osrchwfe.msi
- run “osrchwfe.msi” from /global/search install cd (http://blogs.msdn.com/brsmith/archive/2009/01/29/sharepoint-uninstall-the-product-installation-has-been-corrupted-run-setup-from-original-source.aspx)
- run MOSS RTM installation
- success, ready for Sharepoint config
Files Locked by Process
- folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN cannot be deleted as DLL still in use
- stop task K2HostServer, folder removed ok. manual uninstall done. (K2 workflow server is on that server too)
- run MOSS RTM installation
- success, ready for Sharepoint config